Tuesday, March 22, 2011

vegan pizza

So to my utmost glee, I have come to the conclusion that I might not be glucose-intolerant. I am a bit of a self-diagonising hypochondriach whose most recent kick was glucose intolerance. There is a history of chron's disease in my family, and hey, better safe than sorry. However, due to the nature of my blog and the more adventurous side of me- I will still continue to strive to create recipes without gluten. However, the first thing I wanted when I decided I was able to digest this ever common protein- pizza. The dough is delicious, cheap, and handmade, but it's not gluten-free. This recipe is however,vegan.

For the crust, I used a pre-packed crust mix which is basically just flour, baking soda and yeast. I added 1/2 cup of hot water, and oil. Not to be too obvious, but I would just follow whatever is on the packet- there shouldn't be any need for milk or eggs, but typically oil can subsitute eggs fine. For the topping I just added a little bit of marinara sauce, cut up some mushrooms, cale and asaparagus. It was simple, but pretty delicious. I also brushed a mixture of garlic salt and oil on the pre-baked crust too which added a little extra. Pretty straightforward, but good! Maybe it will give you some ideas of making your own pizza.

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